Living with constant existential crisis can be difficult, but intriguing enough for an un-learn, re-learn cycle.

I dislike the idea of Societal Structures, but I haven’t escaped it, yet!

I am open to the possibility of existence of Type 2 or 3 civilization or that we are in a simulation.

Gap between polar opposites (left/right, right/wrong,…) are seeming to cease gradually, but I value human emotions and logical reasoning.

Trying to find the balance between being social and solitude.

I am involved in blockchain space. Which pointed me to my true interest: cryptography!

Two causes that I deeply care about are Privacy and Climate Change.

Things I like to do, in no specific order:

  • Read books
  • Write code
  • Capture photos
  • Run
  • Cook
  • Converse about - philosophy, economics & science
  • Play guitar
  • Research on post-quantum cryptography