Temporal Fallacy

Time. The idea of time is subjective and objective at the same time depending on your frame of reference. I want to talk about how the idea of time has influenced us, infact, conditioned us in a way that we just can’t break free from it. [Read More]

Politics of Privacy

This blog is the third and last part about my rants on privacy. If you haven’t already done so, I would recommend reading first and second part before this. There are two aspects as to how we can push for privacy: technical and political. There are several good resources available... [Read More]

Nuances of Privacy

For the first part of this 3 part series, if you have not read it, you can find it here where I talk about the philosophy of why privacy is essential. In this post, I will dive a bit deeper into technical aspects and give an overview of the current... [Read More]

Philosophizing Privacy

Asking smokers to stop smoking is futile. Asking people to break invalid standards of societal structures is non-trivial. Asking people to protect their privacy is moot. [Read More]